
Seamlessly migrate from Consul service discovery to service mesh

What's this blog post about?

Migrating from HashiCorp Consul service discovery to a service mesh can enhance security, observability, and availability without requiring modifications from development teams. The benefits include enforcing zero trust security principles using mTLS on all east/west traffic, providing distributed tracing and data plane metrics for better decision-making, and improving application availability through automatic handling of retries, rate limiting, circuit breaking, and timeouts. To transition smoothly, follow a three-step approach: enable permissive Mutual TLS Mode to support both HTTP and mTLS connections; enforce strict mutual TLS mode to secure all traffic with encryption; and adopt virtual services for advanced Layer 7 traffic management features.


Date published
March 11, 2024

Patrick Presto

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.