
Running Vault on Nomad, Part 2

What's this blog post about?

This blog post demonstrates how to deploy a 3-node HashiCorp Vault cluster as a HashiCorp Nomad job and automate the cluster initialization. It covers creating namespaces for isolation, configuring Terraform remote state data source, writing a Nomad job with specifications at the job, group, and task layers, using retry_join stanzas to join the Vault cluster, initializing and unsealing Vault, and storing unseal keys and root token as Nomad variables. The post also provides an overview of HashiCorp's Infrastructure Cloud and HCP Vault Radar for securing secrets in code repositories and other tools.


Date published
May 7, 2024

Rob Barnes

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.