
Treat Pipeline Automation Deficiency Syndrome Before It’s Too Late

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The article discusses Pipeline Automation Deficiency Syndrome (PADS), a condition affecting organizations that struggle to integrate large volumes of data. Symptoms include data file incontinence, impaction, slowed movement, and cognitive deficits. TC, a startup with high data consumption and rapid growth, suffered from this syndrome due to its inability to manage multiple data sources effectively. The treatment for PADS is the modern data stack, which centralizes data through highly-optimized connectors and cloud warehouses, reversing deterioration associated with the condition. Risk factors for PADS include heavy data consumption, integrating data from various sources, rapid company growth, understaffed BI or data science teams, and attempts to build AI or predictive analytics products.


Date published
Aug. 9, 2019

Charles Wang

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.