
Top Multimodal Annotation Tools

What's this blog post about?

The article discusses the significance of multimodal annotation in AI, its various types, techniques, challenges, and introduces some popular multimodal annotation tools. It explains how efficient model training, high-quality data curation, fine-tuning foundation models, and flexibility in model applications are made possible by these tools. The article also highlights the challenges of multimodal annotation, such as data complexity, need for specialized skills, absence of universal tools, correlations between modalities, compliance and data privacy issues, and cost. Furthermore, it presents a list of top multimodal annotation tools like Encord Annotate, Labelbox, SuperAnnotate, CVAT, VGG Image Annotator (VIA), Basic.ai, Label Studio, Dataloop, and Supervisely. The key factors to consider before selecting the best annotation tool are also discussed.


Date published
Oct. 27, 2023

Nikolaj Buhl

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.