Bringing .NET to EdgeDB
The announcement of an official .NET binding for EdgeDB has been made. This new library, developed by Quin Lynch, aims to provide a seamless integration between the two platforms. Key features include zero-config connectivity, automatic reconnection on network errors and retrying on transaction serialization errors, efficient data serialization and protocol implementation, abstracting away connection pooling complexity, and an easy-to-use API. The .NET binding is built with performance and developer experience as top priorities, using a fully asynchronous implementation and high-performance .NET design patterns like Span<T>. Instructions on how to get started with the new driver are provided, along with examples of basic queries and advanced data modeling. Transactions are also supported out of the box, automatically rolling back queries in case of non-retryable errors. The State API allows for configuration changes while efficiently sharing the same underlying client pool. Future developments include a query builder to provide an EFCore-like feel without the drawbacks of an ORM and a codegen tool to generate .NET code from .edgeql files.
Date published
Nov. 1, 2022
Quin Lynch
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