
Vonage and Deepgram Partner to Unlock the Power of Voice

What's this blog post about?

Vonage, a global cloud communications leader, has partnered with Deepgram, an automatic speech recognition (ASR) and language understanding technology provider. This partnership aims to integrate Deepgram's cutting-edge ASR technology with Vonage's Communications Platform, allowing developers to create innovative voice solutions tailored to their customers' unique needs. The collaboration will enable the rapid development of voice-enabled solutions such as virtual agents, personalized virtual assistants, call center analytics, and sales and support enablement tools. With this partnership, developers can leverage low-code/no-code options and swift deployment of rich omnichannel experiences to meet evolving customer needs and industry trends.


Date published
June 15, 2023

Josh Fox

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.