
Using Brian’s cassandra-loader/unloader to migrate C* Maps for DSE Search compatibility

What's this blog post about?

The text discusses using map collections in DSE Search with Apache Solr for indexing. It explains that every key in the map must be prefixed with the name of the collection. The same methodology can be used in many ETL workloads. However, dynamic fields should not store large amounts of data as they create significant heap pressure due to their memory footprint. The text also mentions how DSP-5373 made it easier to index a table with a single API call and that the combination of cassandra-loader, cassandra-unloader, and some sed - awk magic can be used as a quick and dirty ETL tool.


Date published
Oct. 27, 2015

Sebastian Estevez

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.