
Don’t Miss This DataStax Accelerate Talk!

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The upcoming DataStax Accelerate conference is highly anticipated, with a focus on innovations in the enterprise technology space and digital transformation in today's cloud-dominant market. Exciting presentations from companies like Facebook, Yelp, Netflix, T-Mobile, Deloitte, and more are expected to provide valuable insights into current trends. The session "Opioid360 – How AI Can Help Government Leaders Save Lives and Dollars, 24/7/365" by Deloitte is particularly intriguing as it showcases how DataStax Enterprise (DSE) is being used to address the opioid addiction crisis. The conference promises to be a great opportunity for professionals in the field to network and discuss the latest advancements in enterprise software.


Date published
April 29, 2019

Jonathan Lacefield

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.