
See the performance impact of AWS changes with CloudTrail and Datadog

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) introduced CloudTrail, a log of key events and configuration changes for AWS services, during re:Invent 2013. This log can serve as an audit trail to enforce compliance or as a data source to understand application and infrastructure performance. Datadog has integrated with AWS CloudTrail to simplify the process of extracting and correlating these events with other performance metrics. The integration collects a subset of CloudTrail logs from S3, indexes them, and tags them with metadata inherited from AWS for easier identification. Users can search for specific events using sophisticated queries and overlay AWS CloudTrail events on any graph to look for correlation between changes in the AWS environment and changes in application performance. Datadog also provides a platform for collaboration through its Events Stream, allowing users to start conversations or broadcast notifications via messaging systems like PagerDuty and OpsGenie or chat platforms like HipChat and Slack.


Date published
June 13, 2014

Quentin Francois

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.