
Run Synthetic tests in your CI/CD pipelines with the Datadog CircleCI orb

What's this blog post about?

The integration of the Datadog Synthetics CircleCI orb with CircleCI allows organizations to implement Synthetic tests as part of shift-left testing in their CI/CD pipelines. This enables teams to automatically detect and block code changes that would break key workflows or endpoints, ensuring reliable new code deployments and preempting potential problems for end users. The Datadog CircleCI orb can be set up to run Synthetic tests, debug failing tests, and monitor CircleCI pipelines together with Datadog's existing CircleCI integration. This integration extends support for Synthetic Monitoring in CI/CD pipelines, complementing the Datadog GitHub Action and Datadog plugin for Jenkins.


Date published
May 5, 2022

Nicholas Thomson, Beth Glenfield

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.