
Monitor Vercel Serverless Functions with Datadog

What's this blog post about?

Vercel is a platform that enables developers to build high-performance hybrid websites and applications, offering built-in deployment tools, an Edge Network for fast retrieval, and Serverless Functions for backend processes. In partnership with Datadog, users can now monitor their Vercel Serverless Functions' performance and analyze function logs alongside logs from across their infrastructure using the Log Explorer. Custom function logs can be used to generate insights into business operations. Additionally, Datadog Synthetic tests can be integrated into deployment pipelines to monitor frontend performance of applications powered by Vercel. This comprehensive solution provides full visibility into the health and performance of Vercel-powered applications.


Date published
July 6, 2021

Thomas Sobolik

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.