
Monitor FoundationDB with Datadog

What's this blog post about?

FoundationDB is a distributed NoSQL database designed with ACID transactions support and an unbundled architecture that separates transaction management, storage system, and configuration system. Datadog's new integration allows users to visualize and monitor key metrics from their FoundationDB clusters by deploying the Datadog Agent and enabling the FoundationDB integration. This enables monitoring of transactions, operations, log queues, and storage queues to identify bottlenecks and potential problems. Additionally, tracking coordinator status helps prevent data loss. Datadog's single pane of glass allows users to monitor their FoundationDB clusters alongside other technologies for a comprehensive view of system health and performance.


Date published
May 13, 2022

Nicholas Thomson

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.