
Monitor CockroachDB performance metrics with Datadog

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CockroachDB is a distributed SQL database developed by Cockroach Labs that ensures ACID semantics and easy horizontal scaling. It offers both self-hosted and fully-managed cloud-hosted versions, with the latter being CockroachDB Dedicated. Datadog integrates with CockroachDB to help monitor its performance and troubleshoot issues such as sudden drops in throughput or storage capacity. The integration collects and visualizes hundreds of metrics, allowing users to track overall database cluster health, workload, resource utilization, and more. By monitoring CockroachDB alongside other technologies like AWS and GCP, Datadog provides a comprehensive view of the entire tech stack for efficient troubleshooting and performance optimization.


Date published
July 22, 2022

Jordan Obey

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.