
Monitor kube-state-metrics v2.0 with Datadog

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The latest version of kube-state-metrics (v2.0) brings updates and performance improvements to its predecessor. Datadog's Kubernetes integration now supports full, real-time visibility into your Kubernetes environment from a single pane of glass. To upgrade your Datadog Cluster Agent deployment to enable the new kube-state-metrics v2.0 integration, use Helm and add the value "kubeStateMetricsCore: enabled: true" to your values.yaml file. Once you've upgraded your Agents and enabled kube-state-metrics v2.0 functionality, you can continue analyzing your kube-state-metrics data in Datadog’s out-of-the-box Kubernetes dashboard and set up alerts to stay on top of any cluster-level problems that may arise.


Date published
May 7, 2021

Yair Cohen, Jonathan Epstein

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.