
Mitigate cold starts in your Java Lambda functions with Datadog and AWS Lambda SnapStart

What's this blog post about?

AWS Lambda SnapStart is a new feature that improves startup performance for latency-sensitive Java applications by up to 10 times at no extra cost, and typically without modification to function code. Datadog Serverless Monitoring now supports AWS Lambda SnapStart, allowing teams to efficiently mitigate cold starts by enabling SnapStart for their functions and using Datadog Serverless Monitoring to monitor how the new AWS Lambda feature affects application performance. This partnership provides enhanced visibility into serverless applications' performance, including the rate of cold starts, and enables users to create alerts based on specific performance indicators.


Date published
Nov. 28, 2022

Danny Driscoll

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.