
Datadog delivers smarter vulnerability remediation

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Security teams face challenges with vulnerability remediation due to the rising number of vulnerabilities and accelerating rate of software updates throughout the application lifecycle. The growing complexity of modern architecture further complicates this process, making it crucial for a new approach to vulnerability remediation. Traditional vulnerability remediation involves addressing vulnerabilities one by one in isolation, which is no longer viable due to complex dependencies and evolving libraries. Datadog's smart vulnerability remediation addresses these issues by assessing vulnerabilities collectively and optimizing actions users should take to address them. This approach considers an application's entire dependency tree, improves upon the traditional strategy, and offers significant improvements over Google's OSV Guided Remediation feature.


Date published
Sept. 6, 2024

Ander Ruiz Ayesta

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.