
Collect GitHub audit logs and scanning alerts with Datadog

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The updated GitHub integration by Datadog allows users to pull audit logs and alerts from their GitHub organization into Datadog, where they can visualize, alert on, and analyze them for key insights into organizational GitHub activity. This integration enables monitoring and auditing of GitHub activity across the organization, setting alerts on potential code vulnerabilities, and grouping logs by various facets to gain more insights into GitHub usage. Datadog's enhanced integration also collects code scanning alerts from GitHub, allowing users to create visualizations that show new code vulnerabilities detected compared with previous weeks. The integration can be easily set up for existing Datadog users or through a 14-day free trial.


Date published
Oct. 17, 2022

Abilash Ravikumar, Mustafa Abban

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.