
The weird and wonderful world of DNS LOC records

What's this blog post about?

CloudFlare, a company known for its fast and secure DNS services, has developed an authoritative DNS server called RRDNS in Go. This server enables them to handle DNS attacks effectively and consistently rank as one of the fastest DNS providers on the web. One less-utilized feature of DNS is the LOC record, which allows users to specify a physical location. Although only 743 LOC records exist in CloudFlare's entire database, they still support this feature. The textual LOC format and the binary, on-the-wire format are described in RFC 1876. To fix an issue with serving LOC records, a parser for the LOC text record type was written and rolled out.


Date published
April 1, 2014

John Graham-Cumming

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.