
Manchester, UK: CloudFlare's 63rd data center

What's this blog post about?

On October 6th, 2015, Cloudflare expanded its network with a new point of presence in Manchester, UK, bringing the total to 63 points across 33 countries. This expansion also made the UK part of an exclusive group of countries with more than one Cloudflare data center. The Manchester and London data centers provide redundancy and content localization within the UK for all customers. Manchester has a rich history in technology, being home to significant inventions such as the first modern computer. This expansion also made Cloudflare a member of IX Manchester, a peering exchange serving Northern England. For users, this means faster, safer, and more reliable web experiences with no additional effort required.


Date published
Oct. 6, 2015

Joshua Motta

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.