
Google PageSpeed Service customers: migrate to CloudFlare for acceleration

What's this blog post about?

Google has announced that its hosted PageSpeed Service will be shut down on August 3, 2015. Users of this service need to move their websites elsewhere before the deadline to avoid any disruption. Google is inviting these users to migrate their sites to CloudFlare for global acceleration and additional benefits. While both services aim at speeding up webpages, CloudFlare offers more performance gains through a global network footprint, Railgun for dynamic content acceleration, built-in SPDY support, and other features. Additionally, CloudFlare also provides security, SSL, DNS, and more across all plans, including the free tier. The migration process from PageSpeed Service to CloudFlare is simple and does not require any software installation or changes to the host.


Date published
May 8, 2015

John Roberts

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.