
Welcome to Speed Week and a Waitless Internet

What's this blog post about?

In this blog post, John Graham-Cumming discusses how Cloudflare has built a fast global network to create a "waitless" internet experience. He explains that building such a network requires three things: ample bandwidth, having content and applications close to the end user, and making the software as fast as possible. The author delves into various factors that contribute to this speed, including DNS resolution, closeness of servers to end users, TCP handshakes, optimized TLS using the latest protocols, congestion control, packet loss mitigation, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 protocols, image optimization, caching content near end users, and serverless computing. The post also highlights Cloudflare's commitment to measuring performance across the internet's networks to ensure its network remains the fastest available.


Date published
Sept. 12, 2021

John Graham-Cumming

Word count

Hacker News points


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.