
Eliminating the last reasons to not enable IPv6

What's this blog post about?

On June 6th, World IPv6 Day is celebrated to promote awareness and adoption of IPv6 protocol. Despite its advantages, only 7% of the world's largest websites are available over IPv6. CloudFlare has been offering full IPv6 support since 2012 and more than 20% of IPv6-enabled sites use their gateway. However, many customers have not enabled it due to legacy software that assumes an IPv4 world. To address this issue, CloudFlare introduced Pseudo IPv4, a feature that adds a HTTP header with a "pseudo" IPv4 address for visitors connecting over IPv6. This enables websites to support IPv6 while their software is being upgraded to fully support it. The Pseudo IPv4 service is available to all CloudFlare customers, including those on the free plan.


Date published
June 5, 2014

Matthew Prince

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.