
CloudFlare headed to HostingCon 2015. Thanks for the memories and let’s create some more!

What's this blog post about?

CloudFlare is participating in HostingCon 2015 in San Diego. This marks their fifth time at the conference, and they have accomplished a lot since their first appearance in 2011. They now have 36 data centers worldwide, serve over 2 million customers, and work with more than 5,000 partners. In the past year, they added new partners in Brazil and South Africa, and continued to innovate their technology offerings. At HostingCon, CloudFlare is offering complimentary limo transfers, breakfasts, Nerf Railguns, and t-shirts. They are also hosting a cybersecurity panel and a presentation on SEO boosts.


Date published
July 24, 2015

Maria Karaivanova

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.