
Measuring network quality to better understand the end-user experience

What's this blog post about?

Cloudflare has introduced an "Internet quality" feature called Aggregated Internet Measurement (AIM), which measures how well a user's network is performing and what activities it supports. The score ranges from 0-100 and provides insights into streaming, gaming, and real-time communication experiences on the internet. Cloudflare has also made this data publicly available through their partnership with Measurement Lab (M-Lab) for end-users and network engineers alike to parse through network quality data across a variety of networks. Additionally, they have open-sourced their speed test client to provide more accurate measurements of internet performance. This new feature aims to help improve the overall internet experience for users by giving them better information about their network's capabilities.


Date published
April 18, 2023

David Tuber

Word count

Hacker News points


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.