
OpenMeter: Real-time usage-based billing powered by ClickHouse Cloud

What's this blog post about?

Peter Marton, CEO and Co-Founder of OpenMeter, discussed his company's data ingestion approach at a recent ClickHouse San Francisco meetup. OpenMeter helps AI and cloud companies adopt usage-based pricing models by providing a scalable metering system capable of handling millions of billable events per second. The new architecture is based on Kafka for event buffering, modified ClickHouse Kafka Connect Sink to handle deduplication, and ClickHouse Materialized Views with AggregatingMergeTree table engine for aggregation and data storage. This approach allows OpenMeter to meet the evolving demands of their customers in real-time analytics use cases.


Date published
June 13, 2024

Peter Marton, CEO and Co-Founder of OpenMeter

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.