
Product-led Sales: How You Can Merge Product-Led and Sales Led Strategies

What's this blog post about?

Product-led sales is an approach where companies focus on enabling users to experience their products with low or no commitments, driving positive user experiences and faster scaling. It differs from the traditional sales-led growth strategy that relies heavily on sales teams for upfront heavy lifting. While both approaches have their benefits, a product-led sales strategy can lead to lower customer acquisition costs, drive more effective sales teams, and provide opportunities for upselling or cross-selling new features. To implement product-led sales, companies need to identify areas in their flow where this approach would be beneficial and educate their sales team on the product-led approach.


Date published
June 19, 2023

Ray Slater Berry

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.