
Beyond omnichannel: The smart evolution of custom contact centers

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Businesses are increasingly turning to omnichannel contact center solutions to meet customer expectations. Omnichannel communication integrates various channels such as phone, email, chat, and social media into one platform, providing a continuous experience for customers. While multichannel and omnichannel centers differ in their approach, an omnichannel contact center offers agents a 360-degree unified preview of customer interaction history across support channels. The benefits of omnichannel contact center solutions include increased customer loyalty, more efficient operations, and business growth. Optichannel communication takes this concept further by determining the best channel for each interaction based on advanced analytics. AI and ML play a crucial role in optichannel communications by providing virtual agents, chatbots, sentiment analysis, and predictive analytics to optimize customer support experiences.


Date published
July 2, 2024

Joel Fogleman

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.