
Setup GitLab Slack notifications for self managed instances in 2023

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The article discusses setting up GitLab Slack notifications for self-managed instances in 2023. It presents two alternative solutions - using a third-party tool like Axolo or manually creating the notification integration. Axolo is an out-of-the-box solution that provides seamless integration between GitLab and Slack, improving communication, productivity, and accountability during code reviews. However, it requires a paid subscription for teams with more than five developers. The manual method involves creating a Slack app and generating a GitLab webhook URL to receive notifications from the instance. While this approach offers customization and control, it can be time-consuming and complex. Overall, choosing between these methods depends on factors such as budget, team size, and desired level of customization.


Date published
April 4, 2023

Arthur Coudouy

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.