
How to use AI to automatically summarize meeting transcripts

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The use of virtual meetings by businesses has increased from 48% to 77% from 2000 to 2022, driven initially by the pandemic but now a critical component of business communication. Virtual meeting platforms are often powered by AI tools that summarize meetings, extract key insights from notes or recommend next steps. One such tool is AssemblyAI's Conversational Summarization model, designed for conversational data like interviews and customer calls. The benefits of AI summarization include faster QA and call review, identifying trends in aggregate call data, monitoring calls for key insights, accurate meeting record-keeping and increased representative engagement by minimizing note-taking. Automatic summarization of meeting transcripts can be done using Python or LeMUR, AssemblyAI's framework to process audio files with a large language model. Companies like Fireflies.ai, Sembly AI, Grain, CallRail and Jiminny offer advanced AI summarization tools for businesses.


Date published
Sept. 13, 2023

Kelsey Foster

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.