
Lower latency, reduced prices, and our Java SDK release

What's this blog post about?

This week, AssemblyAI has significantly improved its API's inference latency, allowing for transcribing an hour-long audio file within just 45 seconds and achieving a Real-Time-Factor (RTF) of up to .008x. Furthermore, they have substantially reduced their pricing for speech-to-text AI services. They have also enhanced their Free Tier Program with increased transcription limit and concurrency upgrade. In addition, the AssemblyAI Java SDK is now available for developers to transcribe audio files asynchronously or in real-time, leverage audio intelligence models, and apply LLMs to their audio data using LeMUR. Several new blog posts and YouTube tutorials have also been released, showcasing various applications of the platform.


Date published
Jan. 12, 2024

Smitha Kolan

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.