
Designing a Search Experience – Part 1: Orange and their jPhones | Algolia

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The concept of a "product" can be complex and varies depending on the context. A product can be an item, service, or category of items or services that are distinct from other products. In search engine development, determining what constitutes a separate product is crucial as it affects how customers search for specific items. Factors such as edition, color, size, and storage space should be considered when defining product boundaries. The decision to split these attributes into different searchable products depends on the business requirements and customer preferences. In some cases, certain attributes may not warrant separate search records, while in others, they might significantly impact the search experience. Ultimately, the goal is to create a search index that is as specific and broken-down as possible without compromising business goals.


Date published
Feb. 3, 2023

Antoine Hemery

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.