
Grow revenue with data-driven search & discovery [8 tips] | Algolia

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In the face of a lingering recession, retail businesses can leverage AI and data-driven approaches to improve their bottom line. One such approach is using a data-driven site search and discovery tool like Algolia, which automatically re-ranks items every 24 hours based on user interactions and other positive signals. This dynamic re-ranking helps push the best items to the top of search results, increasing sales and revenue. Custom Ranking can be used to boost high-margin items further, while long-tail keywords and phrases can be optimized using AI-powered hybrid search engines. Personalization is another key strategy, with companies that personalize their sites reporting a $20 return for every $1 spent. By connecting Algolia with backend systems like inventory management or returns tracking, retailers can minimize the likelihood of returning products being displayed in results and create data-driven merchandising rules to promote specific items during sales periods. A/B split testing can help determine which combination of changes leads to the best results. Overall, a data-driven approach can unlock revenue potential in every customer interaction, even during challenging economic times.


Date published
July 31, 2023

Jon Silvers

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.