
How Algolia keeps all your data safe but searchable on Solid

What's this blog post about?

Solid, a meetings management app used by clients such as LinkedIn, Deezer and Airbnb, needed to implement a search feature that would keep users' privacy in check while not hurting the app's performance. They chose Algolia, the leading hosted search API, which delivers instant and relevant results from the first keystroke. Using Algolia's Secured API Keys, Solid was able to securely apply filtering on the query, ensuring users could only access meetings meant for them. This solution allowed Solid to implement a search feature in just five days, compared to nearly three weeks using other methods such as Elasticsearch.


Date published
Oct. 21, 2021

Guillaume Dumortier

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.