
10 stats that show why Algolia is the leader in search | Algolia

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Algolia is the market-leading API-First Search and Discovery platform, boasting impressive statistics such as a 382% ROI, handling 50,000 search requests per second, and improving relevance by 40% to 50%. The platform enables retailers to save $1.6 million on average across its 17,000 customers and reduces the time to go live from nearly a year to 6 months or less. Algolia's search queries take only 1-20 milliseconds, which is up to 200 times faster than competitors. The company has over 17,000 clients across various industries, including ecommerce, SaaS, government, and media.


Date published
July 31, 2023

Piyush Patel

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.