
Adding a custom source to PyAirbyte using the no-code builder

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PyAirbyte is an open-source library that packages Airbyte connectors for Python, allowing developers to create customized data pipelines. It provides access to pre-built connectors through various methods, including the official repository of Airbyte connectors and a list of available connectors via code execution in Jupyter Notebook. Building new connectors involves defining specifications with a manifest.yaml file, which includes streams that define the data schema for syncing in the Airbyte platform. Custom connectors can be defined using the Connector Builder in Airbyte Cloud, and developers can reuse their custom code across various platforms and environments. The Airbyte Connector Builder is a powerful tool for creating tailored API integrations and sharing discoveries with the broader data community.


Date published
June 10, 2024

Felix Gutierrez

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.