
AI21 Labs on Bedrock: Now Available for Every Amazon Customer

What's this blog post about?

The text discusses a multi-expert problem involving green energy companies, where data is fetched from Wiki API, last month dates are extracted from the calendar, and share prices are retrieved from a database. The largest increase in share prices is then computed by a calculator, and the answer is formatted using a language model. The text also mentions challenges in implementing multi-expert knowledge systems (MRKL) such as training discrete experts, interfacing with neural networks, routing among modules, and avoiding model explosion. It highlights the advantages of Jurassic-X, including its ability to read and update databases using free language, enabling users to interact with their data in natural language queries.

AI21 Labs

Date published
Sept. 29, 2023


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.