
Testing Agora vs. Twilio for 1:1 Web Video Calls

What's this blog post about?

The blog compares the performance of Agora and Twilio video SDKs under various network conditions, including constrained bandwidth, packet loss, and jitter. Testing was conducted using laptops with specific configurations connected to a stable Wi-Fi network. Results show that Agora consistently maintained better frame rates than Twilio in most scenarios, particularly when dealing with uplink/downlink packet loss and jitter. Additionally, Agora's performance remained more stable during recovery from bandwidth limitations compared to Twilio. In terms of CPU utilization, Twilio consumed slightly less CPU resources, while Agora used less RAM on average. The blog concludes that Agora outperforms Twilio in real-time communication scenarios involving jitter and packet loss due to its global SD-RTN (Software Defined Real Time Network)™ which uses AI for optimal routing of traffic.


Date published
May 30, 2023

Team Agora

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.