
How to Create an Online Karaoke App Using Agora SDK

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Video content dominates digital outreach, with platforms like YouTube and Facebook incorporating video chat or interactivity features to boost usage and engagement. One example is Momo, the top social and dating application in China, which used Agora SDK to explore a new use case for real-time audio and video communication: "KTV Together." This online karaoke feature allows users to sing along with recorded music using their smartphones. However, challenges such as song synchronization control and high sound quality and image quality need to be addressed. Agora SDK provides solutions like high-quality audio and video experience, lower latency, better synchronization, and support for voice control. Developers can use this technology to create or enhance karaoke functions in their applications.


Date published
Jan. 21, 2020

Team Agora

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.