
Build a WebAR Live Video Streaming Web App

What's this blog post about?

This tutorial guides developers on how to build a live streaming web app that leverages WebXR to display a live video stream as part of a 3D model in both WebAR and WebVR environments. The project involves building a simple web app with two user roles - the broadcaster who shares their camera stream into a channel, and the audience who can watch the broadcaster(s) but with a WebXR twist. The tutorial uses AFrame for its virtual DOM, AR.js for cross-platform WebAR, and Agora for live streaming. It covers creating the HTML structure of both the Broadcaster and Audience UIs, adding CSS styling, building the Broadcaster Client, and implementing real-time video. Finally, it demonstrates how to add RTM messages to synchronize model rotation/position across all clients. The completed project is available on GitHub.


Date published
June 5, 2020

Hermes Frangoudis

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.