
Add Video Calling in cross platform mobile apps using the Agora.io React Native SDK

What's this blog post about?

The Agora.io React Native SDK enables developers to quickly add voice, video, and live broadcasting features to their mobile applications on iOS and Android platforms. This open-source SDK can be integrated into existing React Native apps or used for building new ones from scratch. It supports both native code (Objective C, Java, Swift) and JavaScript, allowing developers to create a seamless user experience. The provided sample app demonstrates how to use the SDK's features, including joining/leaving channels, switching cameras, and adjusting audio routes. Developers can find additional resources and documentation at the Agora Document Center or contribute code to the sample project by following the guidelines provided.


Date published
June 27, 2018

Team Agora

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.