
Win-Win: Greater Speed and Lower Latency with Aerospike’s Node.js Client v2.0

What's this blog post about?

The Aerospike Node.js Client v2.0 has been released with significant performance improvements due to the switch from blocking I/O to non-blocking I/O in the underlying Aerospike C/C++ client library. Benchmark tests showed that the new version achieved about 78,500 read & write operations per second, an increase of more than 29% over the performance of the v1.0.57 client. The non-blocking I/O also improved query and scan performance with significantly reduced memory consumption. These enhancements are expected to provide a better developer experience for users of Aerospike's Node.js Client.


Date published
May 17, 2016

Jan Hecking

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.