
Modern Instant Payment Settlements are Increasingly Being Powered by NoSQL

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Instant payment solutions are increasingly being powered by NoSQL databases due to their ability to handle high transaction volumes and provide real-time data storage and processing capabilities. The global digital payments market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 23.8% to reach $12.4 trillion in transaction value by 2025, up from $3.7 trillion in 2019. NoSQL databases offer flexible platforms for easy scalability and cross-platform applications, making them ideal for supporting instant payment systems like TIPS and UPI. Aerospike, a successful NoSQL solution provider, has been implemented in instant payment systems to provide real-time fraud protection, risk mitigation, identity management, clearing and settlement calculations, and real-time decisioning.


Date published
Oct. 13, 2020

Aerospike Marketing

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By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.