
A Change is Gonna Come: Early Adopter Release for Aerospike Node.js Client v2.0

What's this blog post about?

The Early Adopter release of Aerospike Node.js Client v2.0 has been announced, featuring significant updates and some backward-incompatible API changes. This version is not yet production-ready but aims to preview the upcoming final release and gather community feedback. The new asynchronous I/O model in v2.0 brings performance improvements of 35% to 45%. Support for Node.js v0.10 has been dropped, while error-first callback semantics have been implemented following community feedback. A new batch read command replaces the existing batch get/select/exist commands and requires Aerospike server version >= 3.6.0. The final release of v2.0 is expected in a few weeks, depending on user feedback.


Date published
March 31, 2016

Jan Hecking

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.