
How Facebook’s Unified Tectonic File System Provides Data Efficiency

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Facebook has built a next-generation storage system called Tectonic to manage its massive data infrastructure. The company previously had three data storage infrastructures tailored for each use case, but these systems were complicated and time-consuming to manage, created operational complexity, and led to wasted resources. Tectonic was designed as a unified file system for all of Facebook's data, allowing it to avoid wasteful resource overprovisioning and fragmentation while making the system easier to manage. The design enables IOPS or storage to be shared among different workloads that would otherwise be wasted in smaller clusters. Tectonic was also built with scale in mind, as each cluster can be multiple exabytes in size, large enough to serve an entire Facebook-sized data center.


Date published
May 12, 2022

Acceldata Product Team

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.