Date Published
Abhishek Pandya
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We have been working on building Warp on Windows, which was significantly more challenging than for Linux or the Web. To support new shells that Windows developers use, we built a Shell Selector menu and added tab icons to remind users what shell they are in. However, supporting all of these shells required significant effort, including writing custom integrations for each shell. We also had to make ConPTY work with Warp's shell integration, which proved to be complex due to differences between Unix-based operating systems and Windows. Specifically, we found that ConPTY did not forward all possible escape sequences, sent them out of order, and cached the state of the terminal grid. To address these issues, we forked ConPTY's code and added support for custom OSC codes and forced ConPTY to flush them immediately after receipt. We also devised a method to periodically clear ConPTY's cached grid state to prevent spacing issues. Overall, building Warp on Windows was a huge technical undertaking, but we're proud of what we've built and excited to release it into the world!