Date Published
July 26, 2024
Harpreet Sahota
Word count
Hacker News points


Researchers at the University of Hull have developed a technique to identify AI-generated fake images by examining eye reflections, which may provide a new weapon in the battle against deepfakes. Meanwhile, researchers are exploring alternatives to transformer architectures in AI, with test-time training models emerging as a promising contender. These models could potentially process vast amounts of data more efficiently than current transformer models. Additionally, researchers are investigating ways to enhance AI's spatial intelligence, which involves developing algorithms capable of realistically extrapolating images into three-dimensional reconstructions. This work aims to bridge the gap between current AI limitations and artificial general intelligence (AGI). Furthermore, a new framework for efficient portrait animation called LivePortrait has been developed, which can synthesize lifelike videos from a single source image using it as an appearance reference, while deriving motion from a driving video, audio, text, or generation. The researchers also explored the cognitive impact of extended AI interaction in their newsletter “Educating AI.” They discussed how immersive engagement with AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude can lead to subtle yet significant changes in our thinking patterns and self-perception. Moreover, an episode from the ML Street Talk podcast featured Murray Shanahan discussing his work on AI consciousness and the space of possible minds, exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence, consciousness, and philosophy. Finally, a paper titled "Data curation via joint example selection further accelerates multimodal learning" presents an approach that could revolutionize how we train large-scale multimodal models by intelligently selecting batches of data rather than individual examples.