Date Published
May 12, 2021
Ben Greenberg
Word count
Hacker News points


The Vonage Number Insight API provides real-time information about phone numbers globally, including validity, reachability, roaming status, and more. The API offers three types of requests: Basic, Standard, and Advanced, which return different levels of data. To use the API, a Rails application needs to be set up with a Vonage API account, a virtual phone number, and the necessary credentials. The application will present a form for users to submit a phone number and select the type of request they want to make. Once submitted, the form data is processed and sent to the Vonage Number Insight API using the `nexmo` method. The response from the API is then converted into a hash format and displayed in an HTML table on the show view. The application also includes features such as flash error messages and a secure way to store environment variables using the dotenv gem.