Date Published
Oct. 7, 2021
Amanda Cavallaro
Word count
Hacker News points


The Vonage Dev YouTube channel hosts a video series called One Dev Minute, which shares knowledge in bite-sized chunks. The goal of this series is to educate developers about various topics related to Vonage's developer platform. In the latest episode, Amanda Cavallaro, a Developer Advocate at Vonage, discusses Call Control Objects (NCCOs), which are sets of instructions that instruct Vonage on how to control call flows in Vonage applications. NCCOs can be used to connect calls, send synthesized speech, stream audio, or record calls. The format of an NCCO is important, as it describes the flow of a call and must include one or more actions that are ordered in a specific sequence. Options can be used to customize these actions, and NCCOs are represented by JSON arrays. Developers can also join multiple calls into one conversation conference call and leverage speech recognition to handle user input, including accepting DTMF, speech, or both. The Vonage Dev YouTube channel provides more resources related to NCCOs, including links to the developer community Slack.