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Video SDK Team
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To build an Android video calling app using Call Trigger, VideoSDK, and Firebase, follow these steps: 1. Set up a new project in Android Studio. 2. Add the required dependencies to your `build.gradle` file: - For CallTrigger: `implementation ''` - For VideoSDK: Add the Maven repository and dependency in your build.gradle file. - For Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM): `implementation platform('')` 3. Create a new class named `NetworkCallHandler` to handle API calls for call triggering and update the status of the call. 4. Implement the logic for handling incoming call requests in your FirebaseMessagingService class (e.g., MyFirebaseMessagingService). 5. Set up the UI for the calling screen, including buttons for answering or rejecting calls. 6. Initialize VideoSDK and configure it with a token provided by the backend server. 7. Implement the logic to handle call events like joining, leaving, and updating participants' views in your MeetingActivity class. 8. Add permissions for recording audio and accessing the camera in your AndroidManifest.xml file. 9. Test the video calling feature by making calls between two devices with the app installed. With these steps, you can create an Android video calling app using Call Trigger, VideoSDK, and Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).