Date Published
Eluda Laaroussi
Word count
Hacker News points


This project involves building a voice-based pizza ordering service using Twilio, OpenAI, and Google Maps. The system allows users to place an order by calling a phone number, selecting items from their nearest Dominos store's menu, processing payment with their bank card, and utilizing a Large Language Model (LLM) to interpret user requests into Dominos' official item codes. The project covers setting up Twilio Studio, gathering order information, calculating the order price, validating the delivery address, extracting order metadata, getting the nearest store, fetching the order price, trying it out, creating a new Twilio service route, returning a <code>&lt;Pay&gt;</code> response, and adding a Pay Connector. The system is designed to provide a seamless experience for users, with features such as natural language processing, payment processing, and integration with Dominos' API.